Eye Institute, today.

I had another appointment at the Eye Institute, today. After last week’s appointment where I discovered that they didn’t have anything in my file since my visit in October, they put those %*#%^%  drops in my eyes for no damn reason which screwed my vision up for about 4 hours and I had to wait at least an hour before I could drive home, and I wasn’t sure if they knew what the Hell they were doing, I was ready to be pissed off, today.

However, I was very pleased with the visit.

Firstly, the woman that, to date, I have seen on every visit wasn’t there and one of the doctors actually saw me rather than another resident (or intern, I’m not sure which) saw me. I was ready to be upset because the first thing she asked was something along the lines of “When was your last visit, here?” I asked if they still hadn’t located my file and she assured me that they had my file but she just wasn’t sure if it was last week or two weeks, etc., from my last visit.

She actually seemed familiar with the case and she said that they had been in a quandary about whether it was an infection that was the cause of the problems or Herpes (which is the virus causes both Chicken Pox and Shingles, cold sores, as well as a variation being Genital Herpes which I can assure you is NOT something I have).

After having a really good look, she said that the problem seems to have stemmed from the Shingles I had last fall and possibly a recurrence recently. There is an old scar on the top right of my cornea and a new lesion near the centre of my cornea, so she is pretty sure that I had a recurrence after Christmas.

However, the lesion is healing, the old scar looks like a faint patch on the cornea, and that the vision appears to be getting better.

There will likely be a small amount of permanent damage in the form of a light scar but that it will probably fade as the old damage has done. As I have said, I don’t notice the vision as much as I do the sensitivity to light and that has CERTAINLY improved. Cloudy days don’t bother me nearly as much as they did and the one really sunny day I was out, once I had the sunglasses on, the light didn’t bother me at all. Before, if it was sunny, even  with two pairs of sunglasses, I was nearly blind.

They are reducing the medication and my next appointment is in two weeks.

All-in-all, I am pretty happy with the visit.


  1. Harry the Elder said,

    February 26, 2010 at 12:05 am

    Ah, Sis, the trials & tribulations of the Canadian System – don’t even try to compare to our f—–d up methods. Jean & I must have our eyes checked soon. It’s been years and our prescriptions are woefully out of date.
    My latest exhibition is coming down this Sunday. It was VERY well received and the comment book has seven pages of comments at last check. I will try to get my web page updated with imagery soon – don’t hold breath…
    Hope your Mom is doing well – keep the faith – we think of you often – come visit our new home!

    • mudhooks said,

      February 26, 2010 at 1:06 am

      Hi Hon!

      No, you are right. I should count myself lucky that I have access to good (and free… well, free in that I pay for it out of my taxes) health care. And you are free to use the F word. Luckily, I also have private insurance to pay for things like eye check-ups (every two years) and glasses. OHIP USED to cover that but only does for children (and I think seniors) and my dental care should I ever get around to going and getting a dentist to tamper with my mouth.

      I hope you got my card re your Xmas present.

      I won’t be travelling to the US any time soon… what with my feelings on the Iraq war and certain other policies, even with Obama in power. Even though Mom has been wanting to go to Iowa to meet Aunt Dorothy.

      You and Jean should come up here for a visit!

      Mom is… okay. I hope your Mom is okay, too.

      Love you. Give my love to your Mom, Peg and to Jean, too.

      Can’t wait to see your new work. I haven’t been doing much of late, what with my eyes… and my heart not being particularly in it.

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