
I had the testing today. The “something” I saw turned out to be not “nothing” but not anything of importance. However, what I couldn’t see was that there was some “calcification” in the same breast. Apparently, they can look at this and tell immediately if it is “nothing” or can see immediately that it is “something” (cancerous). In my case, they can’t tell so they have to do a needle biopsy in the next week or so. It is non-invasive so out-patient and won’t interfere with my work. I am not going to worry about it. It won’t change the results and will burn my bridge when I come to it, as is my usual way of doing things.

This is what I will be subjected to… They make a small incision and then use a needle to extract a sample of the tissue. I don’t know how they plan to get my arm AND my breast through that hole!


  1. azahar said,

    July 7, 2011 at 2:29 am

    Will you also have to have your makeup done?

    • mudhooks said,

      July 7, 2011 at 3:49 am

      They’d have to do a lot more for me to look anything like that.

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